Relationship Issues
Relationships require compromise and communication but the sacrifices can seem overwhelming. Relationship difficulties arise from dramatic life changes and interpersonal struggles. Psychotherapy aids in overcome disagreements/arguments, feelings of betrayal, and emotional ups-and-downs.
Loss or Grief
The process of loss or grief often comes in 5 stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Your ability to successfully cope with these stages may determine your future. Rob’s psychotherapy practice can help you cope with grief and loss.
For many people, spirituality is the foundation of meaning in their lives. People may connect with a religion such as Buddhism, Judaism, or Christianity. Some practice yoga and meditation without being connected to an organized religion. These practices can deepen one's spirituality. Psychotherapy can aid others to resolve discontent, conflicts, and misunderstandings while supporting one's chosen spiritual path.
Divorce can be emotionally devastating for children and spouses. Families may experience feelings of hostility, miscommunication, stress and confusion. We can work together to identify your family’s situation and communicate through the stress. Divorce separates a marriage but should not break a family.
There is no easy guide to parenting. Parenting is a process of promoting a stable physical, emotional and social environment through infancy to adulthood. Parenting has many unexpected tribulations. Psychotherapy can teach communication skills while staying consistent and utilizing resources to educate your child. Psychotherapy coaches parents to handle present and future issues.
Anger Management
Everyone gets angry. When anger gets out of control, behavior can be mentally and emotionally destructive. Know how to control your anger before anger controls you. Anger management therapy teaches people how to prevent anger from getting out of hand. Frustration is inevitable.
Sexuality is a significant part of a person’s identity. It relates to gender, sex drive, gender identity and expression. Psychotherapy aids in examining his or her sexuality and possible conflicts in interpersonal relationships including, but not limited to marriage, social networks and work life.